Canon FC760s

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** The Canon FC760s printer is designed with energy-saving features, helping you reduce your environmental footprint and save on energy costs. It has an automatic power-off function that turns off the printer when it is not in use for a certain period. This feature helps conserve energy and prolong the printer's lifespan. In conclusion, the Canon FC760s printer is a reliable and versatile printing device that offers high-quality prints, fast printing speed, and user-friendly features. Its compact design and energy-saving capabilities make it an excellent choice for both personal and professional use. With the Canon FC760s printer, you can enjoy efficient and hassle-free printing.
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  • Náplň pre Canon FC760s doručíme po celej SR a na stovky pobočiek
  • Garantujeme že táto náplň pre Canon FC760s je plne kompatibilná
  • Táto náplň poskytuje vysokú kvalitu a stálosť tlače
  • Výhodné balenia s ešte väčšou úsporou na tlači
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